One of Nebraska’s most epic experiences is getting the chance to observe the sandhill crane migration in Central Nebraska. Bird-watchers from around the world flock to the state each spring to witness the marvel. But what about the rest of us? If you’re not a well-versed birder, here’s how to get the most out of seeing the sandhill crane migration.
Updated: This post was written in 2020 and has been updated in January 2025 with current details.
What’s so special about sandhill cranes?
Everyone says you’ve got to see the sandhill crane migration at least once. Why?
I think I read the best explanation in “Every year 400,000 to 600,000 sandhill cranes — 80 percent of all the cranes on the planet — congregate along an 80-mile stretch of the central Platte River in Nebraska, to fatten up on waste grain in the empty cornfields in preparation for the journey to their Arctic and subarctic nesting grounds. This staging is one of the world’s great wildlife spectacles, on a par with the epic migrations of the wildebeest and the caribou.”
Why is Nebraska so important to sandhill cranes?
There’s a stretch of the Platte River in Nebraska that serves as a rest stop for hundreds of thousands of migrating cranes twice a year.
And just a heads up so you look like you know what you’re doing, there are more than just sandhill cranes to view while you’re there. There have been at least 257 species of birds observed in the Rainwater Basin including 27 species of waterfowl, 27 species of shorebirds, and five threatened and endangered species (whooping cranes, bald eagles, least terns, piping plovers, and peregrine falcons).
Where are the best places in Nebraska to see the sandhill cranes?
There are several communities in central Nebraska that are prime starting points for sandhill crane viewing. Kearney, Neb., is known as the Sandhill Crane Capital of the World…for good reason. By all accounts, the most cranes seem to arrive in that area (like 400,000 to 600,000).
Rowe Sanctuary in Kearney has indoor viewing, crane behavior basics, speaker series, school field trips and family viewing nights. I like that Rowe Sanctuary is so near Kearney, because there is plenty of things to do after you seen the cranes so you can make an overnight or weekend of it.
Of course, places like Grand Island or North Platte are not to be overlooked. You’ll still see hundreds of thousands of cranes there in March, too.
When is the sandhill cranes’ migration in Nebraska in 2025?
The cranes usually start arriving in mid-February continue in waves until in mid-April. The peak is typically the last week of March. The Rowe Sanctuary is estimating Crane Season to be between Feb, 15 and April 15 in 2025.
Are there sandhill crane viewing tours?
Of course, there are bird-watching tours! There are some that you’ll have to get up at the crack of dawn to take advantage of (as well as overnight options). And then there are the options for a guided experience for the average person who isn’t a major birder.

The Nebraska Audubon Crane Season Tour Dates are set for 2025 for tours at Rowe Sanctuary in Kearney. These include the guided crane viewing experience offered from March 4 to April 12 (registration opens Jan. 8, 2025; groups can request guided tours sooner).
There’s also guided photography experiences at Rowe Sanctuary. Reservations may be made online starting Jan. 8 or by calling (308) 468-5282. Prices vary. The guided crane photography experience is offered for a one-month period in 2025: from March 14 through April 11, 2025. The overnight photography experience from March 14 through April 11, 2025. The overnight experience costs quite a bit more, but it also gives you the chance to photograph the cranes as they fly into the river at dusk and lift away at dawn.
In North Platte, Dusty Trails LLC offers bus tours, as well as morning and evening blind tours. Tours are $45 per person. During their bus tour, they share information about the Sandhill Cranes, their migration and behaviors in the fields. Dusty Trails’ Tours are $45 per person and last between two and a half hours and three and a half hours.

Where are crane viewing sites?
I remember my parents taking us kids on a wild ride one year, trying to find the birds and it was just the most unimpressive experience. I remember standing in a field, shivering, just to see about a dozen birds and wondering what the big deal was. Clearly, my parents hadn’t researched where we needed to go…or we were lost and not at a legit viewing site.

Save yourself the bad memories and go to one of these sites instead:
One of your best bets to not only learn about cranes, but see them, is to head to the Crane Trust Nature & Visitors Center (located at 9325 S. Alda Road in Wood River, Neb.). It’s down a dirt road and you might think you’re headed the wrong way…you’re not. Keep going!
Here, you can see the displays and then head outdoors to the 35-foot observation tower and the 10 miles of nature trails along the Platte River. Some trails may be closed to protect cranes that are roosting or loafing.
- For sunrise and sunset viewing near Kearney, go to Fort Kearny Bridge spanning the Platte River. You’ll need a state park permit to get into the Fort Kearny State Recreation Area. The address is 1020 V Road, Kearney, Neb.
- A free option is located just off the Interstate 80 exit to Gibbon. To get to the Plautz Viewing Platform, take Exit 285 and drive 1 ½ miles south. The Central Platte Natural Resource Department has view decks set up for a good view of the sandhill cranes, as well as herons, egrets, and pelicans. Parking is free.
- CPNRD also has a view site set up near Alda, Neb. Take the Interstate 80 Exit 305 to Alda and drive 2 miles south. Find three roadside turnouts south and east of the Alda interchange on Platte River Drive, and west of Rowe Sanctuary on Elm Island Road.
Is there bird watching etiquette?
Good question. Since we’re all non-birders here, I’m guessing this is on everyone’s mind. Of course there’s etiquette.

I had to research it, though, since I’m a novice. Luckily, there are sites like Nebraska Flyaway and visitors bureaus to explain it to us.
Here’s what not to do:
- DON’T stop on roadways, driveways or gated entry.
- DON’T stop abruptly in the road, either. The person behind you may not be as eager as you to see the cranes.
- DON’T attempt to approach the birds in the field. “One alarm call from a bird can send the entire flock into a panicked flight using up precious energy reserves.”
- DON’T harass the cranes by honking your horn, flashing your lights, or yelling. It’s illegal, plus it annoys everyone else.
- DON’T use flash photography.

Here’s what to do:
- Always obtain permission before entering land – most land in the Platte River Valley is private property. It’s trespassing if you don’t have permission.
- Respect the rights of people who live and work in the area.
- Silence your phone.
- Stay in your car or right next to it. Migratory waterfowl are used to being hunted by humans, so your car acts as a blind.
- Plan for the weather. It can get cold in Nebraska and the weather changes quickly in the late winter and early spring.
What should I bring for sandhill crane viewing in Nebraska?
I mentioned earlier that Nebraska weather can be fairly unpredictable, but a safe bet is to assume it will be cold and windy. Wear warm, seasonally appropriate clothing. Hats, gloves, thermal underwear, heavy coats and outerwear and sturdy boots are recommended.
Some tours will have a few binoculars available to share with others, but if you have your own binoculars, bring them.
If you book any overnight experience, like the overnight photography tour, it’s recommended that you bring two sleeping bags per person, foam or insulated pads, extra clothing, and warm drinks and food.

Mark Brandt
Monday 9th of January 2023
In February 2001, on our first visit from Omaha on a tepid 25° evening near the Gibbon exit, on a bridge crossing the Platte, my wife and I stood and shivered, beholding the incoming masses of deafeningly loud Sandhill cranes against an increasingly beautiful yellow and orange sunset. We were standing between about six young people from New York City and a couple from Paris. Each group whispered out loud that they have never seen or experienced a more awesome and beautiful sight! I’m so proud to be a Nebraskan!
Jodi Fegley
Friday 18th of February 2022
The Crane Trust documented that a Platte River sandbar on their Hall County, Nebraska, property serves as the LARGEST CRANE ROOST in the world! They provide all sorts of tours to see the cranes (sunrise, sunset, and bridge viewing). They will also gladly direct you to the free platform viewing option. The Crane Trust Nature and Visitor Center is phenomenal! Right now, as of 2/14/2022 the Crane Trust has documented that there are approximately 27,000 cranes in that area already. I believe that's a record! Check them out!
Thursday 6th of January 2022
Well written and good info. Strong work! Thank you for writing this.
Thursday 1st of April 2021
Excellent article, and information. Are the cranes still viewable during the week of 4/14/21?or have they left by then? Thank you.
Thursday 1st of April 2021
Thanks, Susan. I would bet there wouldn't be many left to see by mid-April.
Chris Deadman Winston
Friday 5th of March 2021
Driving to Kerney from Corpus Christi, Texas the end of March, 2021. What hotel do you recommend?
Mark Brandt
Monday 9th of January 2023
@Chris Deadman Winston, Hampton Inn, Kearney.
Sunday 27th of February 2022
@Chris Deadman Winston, My husband and I have been going out to see the Crane migration for many years. We have had great experiences staying at the Holiday Inn Suites and Express, and also at the Country Inn & Suites located in Kearney. Both places have a great breakfast.
Friday 5th of March 2021
I recommend a few in this post: There are mostly chain hotels in Kearney, and the one I like the most is Candlewood Suites. Here's the info on the hotel on - (my affiliate link if you end up staying there).