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Living In Downtown Omaha & Exploring Omaha’s Neighborhoods

We’ve had guests on our podcast from all walks of life, but this week’s episode was our first county official. Dan Esch is an old friend of Dee’s who also happens to be the Douglas County Clerk. His is one of those roles that no one knows exactly what he does, so it was a good opportunity to simply ask him to explain what a county clerk does.

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The episode is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify Podcasts. You can also watch the full episode on Youtube.

We talked about plenty of other things, of course, including what it’s like living in Downtown Omaha with his wife and dog. Both Dee and I have lived in Downtown Omaha ourselves, but even I learned a thing or two after talking with Dan. I, for one, had no idea of about a particular shop that downtown residents have kept secret about for years. OK, I’m kidding about that, but still…I had no idea this shop existed (and that it had such cheap candy).

Until I re-listened to this episode, I didn’t realize how many other neighborhoods we talked about! And it seems like in each neighborhood, Dee was able to recommend a karaoke bar, so if that’s something you’re looking for, take notes.

Helpful links

We talked about a lot of places on the episode, so if you’re curious about them, and want to learn more, click on the links below! 

Episode 18 of Oh My! Omaha The Podcast with guest Dan Esch

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