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Pro Volleyball & Target Loyalty With Allison Mayfield

When Dee and I started planning Oh My! Omaha The Podcast, we knew we wanted to interview someone with the Omaha Supernovas. They’ve been playing for massive crowds at CHI Health Center Omaha ever since the opening game in early 2024, so it was an obvious choice. So, we were super excited to find out that we were going to have outside hitter Allison Mayfield on the show!

Allison Mayfield (center) is an outside hitter for Omaha Supernovas. She stands with Dee (left) and Kim (right).
Dee, Allison, and Kim

Our conversation hit on Allison’s career overseas and in the U.S., her go-to places when moving to a new city (especially finding where the nearest Target is), and her advice to volleyball players at every stage of their career. One of the more interesting parts of the interview, for me, was learning about what she and the other Supernovas did in their downtime. She likened it to living in a dorm!

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We talked about a lot of places on the episode. If you’re curious about them, and want to learn more, click on the links below!

Oh My! Omaha The Podcast Season 1 Episode 3 with Allison Mayfield, outside hitter for the Omaha Supernovas

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