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Peanut: A storybook for mighty preemie babies Review + Giveaway

Update: Congrats to Kristen, the winner of the book giveaway!

Disclaimer: I was provided a complimentary copy of “Peanut: A storybook for mighty preemie babies” so that I can review it and share it with you. I was not compensated for this post. This post contains an affiliate link. At no extra cost to you, if you click the link and make a purchase, bloggers like me receive a small amount for referring you. It helps keep me keep doing what I love to do – writing and sharing great things from Omaha with you. Thanks!


Peanut cover photo

Omaha author and illustrator Lindsay Nolan recently sent me her new book, “Peanut: A storybook for mighty preemie babies.” With lovely illustrations, based off actual photos and events of Nolan’s own preemie son, it was a sweet story I couldn’t pass up telling you about.

“Little baby,

I understand

that life never goes

exactly as planned,

and that something so little

can be something so grand.”

– Lindsay Nolan, “Peanut: A storybook for mighty preemie babies”

It’s a short storybook full of faith and a mother’s lover. I think you’ll like it!

Since it’s Nolan’s hope to offer encouragement to parents of other mighty preemies, I’ll be passing the book on to my sister, who’s daughter was born prematurely, too. She weighed in at a whopping 2 pounds, 7 ounces. Peanut indeed.

Just look at me holding the little peanut for the first time. 

Holding my niece for the first time.

Holding my niece for the first time.

My niece is turning 2 years old next month – her latest feat is climbing out of her crib.

If you have a preemie, I know you’ll like the book. If know someone who has a preemie, it makes a great gift. Nolan’s book is available at Amazon

And if you’re wondering about the “Peanut” in the book, he looks like a happy (and mighty) boy. Here’s a photo Nolan shared with me:

Author Lindsay Nolan and her family.

Omaha author Lindsay Nolan and her family.


You can win a copy! I’m giving one reader “Peanut: A storybook for mighty preemie babies”!

To enter, just leave a comment below tell me about the might preemie in your life that this story reminds you of. Must be a U.S resident, 18 years or older. Giveaway ends Sunday, Feb. 14, at 11:59 p.m. One winner will be drawn using and I’ll contact the winner via email within 48 hours. Winner will have 48 hours to respond before I draw another name. Good luck!

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Friday 12th of February 2016

I am a Services Coordinator for the Early Development Network in Nebraska (La Vista). It would be so great to give some of the families we serve in our program this book. Thank you for featuring this- I was unaware of the book! Awesome!


Sunday 7th of February 2016

I am proud to say that I have a little PEANUT. His name is Zaydhen and born at 28weeks. He was born 2lbs 0.6oz on Nov. 25th 2015. We spent 54 long sleepless nights in the nicu watching our peanut grow and other little peanuts come and go but we never lost hope that our day would come soon. Jan. 20th was our day to say goodbye to the nicu.


Saturday 6th of February 2016

Two of our friends had preemie twins last year, and I'm happy to say all are doing well.


Saturday 6th of February 2016

My son is my miracle baby. He was never expected to survive. He was born at 15ounces and surprised everyone with fight and is now a 2 year old active toddler. Changed my families perspective on life.

Veronica Garcia

Saturday 6th of February 2016

My son is an ex 24weeker eight 1lbs 6oz it was a rough start in the begging a lot of ups and down but thankfully he is now 2 yrs old (18months adjusted). He is healthy full of energy and wanting to learn more and more. He does get or once a week and has a teacher come out also once a week to keep him learning so that he won't fall behind in social skills, talking, eating etc. thank god for miracles

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