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Dads’ View Of Omaha: Things To Do In With Kids, The Outdoors & More

I’ll admit I was a little reluctant when Dee suggested we invite our significant others onto the podcast (my husband, Kevin, and her life partner, Eli). What would we talk about? As it turns out, we had a lot to talk about. And Dee was right, these two were be perfect guests to lead us into Father’s Day. They are both wonderful dads, and they have a lot of ideas on how to spend quality time with your kids in Omaha.

Kim and Dee are joined by their partners -- Kim's husband, Kevin, and Dee's life partner, Eli.

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The episode is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify Podcasts.

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Dee and I talked about a lot of places on the episode. If you’re curious about them, and want to learn more, click on the links below!

Oh My! Omaha the Podcast season 1 episode 8 with Kevin Reiner and Eli Crittenden

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