Kim’s note: I’m starting a new series called “Writing in Omaha,” so I can introduce different voices from around Omaha. Each week, I’ll introduce a different blogger, what his or her blog is all about, and since I love getting recommendations as much as I love giving them, I’ve asked each person to share some Omaha tips. The first blogger I’m featuring is Heidi Woodard, who first made me laugh as one of the bloggers on Momaha, and now makes me think with her posts on Whether you’re kids are the star of the team or just starting out, she’s got some sound advice on keeping the game fun as kids progress through their favorite sport(s).Enjoy!
Name: Heidi Woodard
Who I’d argue is the most memorable McDermott
More about Heidi

Heidi Woodard, the voice behind GiveTheGameBack
I launched MaternalMedia back in February 2012 — around the same time I left a company I had worked at for 14 years to accept a job at a new employer. I had been professionally blogging for, the Omaha World-Herald’s parenting site for several years, and had been a regular guest on the Pat&JT Show on Q98.5 FM.
That meant, in 2012, I was freelance writing for a couple clients in addition to my 9-to-5 community outreach job, had a weekly blogging gig and radio segment, was building my personal (and uncompensated) MaternalMedia brand, and had two of my three kids in six total sports. I had a friend ask me how on earth I was able to do it all and challenged me to write down on paper each of my responsibilities.
When I stepped back and saw everything spelled out in a bulleted list in terms of what I was attempting to “balance,” it made complete sense as to why I was feeling pulled in too many different directions.
It was shortly thereafter I decided to voluntarily say goodbye to my paid blogging gig (ouch!) and further pursue what fueled me the most – making community connections, building an audience on both the radio and MaternalMedia, and diving headfirst into new challenges by rallying with parents much like myself.