Kim’s note: This is the 13th installment in a series introducing different voices from around Omaha.
Each weekWhenever I can, I’ll introduce a different Omaha blogger, what his or her blog is all about, and since I love getting recommendations as much as I love giving them, I’ve asked each person to share some Omaha tips. If you shop in Omaha, and hate paying full price for anything, Nicole is a blogger to follow. Black Friday has nothing on the deals you can get by reading her blog. Hope you enjoy getting to know all the bloggers from Omaha!
Mom Saves Money
Name: Nicole McDonald
Blog: Mom Saves Money
Where to find @momsavesmoney: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
Describe your blog in five words.
Live Well on Less
What are the two most popular posts on your blog? What makes them so good?
The weekly Omaha grocery list with coupon match ups is consistently the most popular post on my site. Every week I sit down and list all the best deals, match up the coupons and even highlight the very best deals. It’s an awesome resource to save lots of money on your grocery bill.
The monthly meal plans are also very popular! Who can resist having the whole month of meals already planned with easy and delicious recipes?
What social media channel are you on the most and why?
I am on Facebook most of the time. I run a very active, local Facebook group, “Mom Saves Money Omaha Coupon Swaps & Deals,” and love being able to personally interact with my readers and help them save even more money!
You get one hour to spend on writing, where in Omaha do you go?
I’m so boring. I’m a home body and like the quiet so I would lock myself in a room and write! However, I’d love to have some yummy Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee to keep me company.

Nicole McDonald wrote the book “The Extraordinary Art of Couponing” in 2013. Book cover created by Karen Wolcott Creative
If friends visit from out of town, what three places would you take them to?
I take every visitor to The Bohemian Cafe for some delicious Svickova and potato dumplings. Next on the list is the Henry Doorly zoo to walk off all the yummy food and then a stop at Joslyn Art Museum.
What’s your favorite free thing to do in Omaha?
My favorite free thing in the Omaha area is the Bellevue Early Education Center. I know it’s not technically Omaha, but it’s such an awesome resource. It’s open to any Bellevue resident or military family and has tons of toys and activities perfect for kids ages 8 and under. It’s also staffed by preschool specialists who do story times and sing-a-longs with the kids. I had three kids in four years (what was I thinking?) and have always stayed home with them. With the Nebraska cold weather, we visited the Early Education Center a lot over the years!
More about Nicole

Nicole is the mom behind the popular Omaha blog on saving money, Mom Saves Money.
I am a mom to three and returned to my home state of Nebraska after spending seven years in the military. I am passionate about helping others save money and live better. I teach several community college classes in Omaha and Council Bluffs and published “The Extraordinary Art of Couponing” in 2013.