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Bloggers From Omaha – Kathleen Hammack

Kim’s note: This is the 10th installment in a series introducing different voices from around Omaha. Each week Whenever I can, I’ll introduce a different Omaha blogger, what his or her blog is all about, and since I love getting recommendations as much as I love giving them, I’ve asked each person to share some Omaha tips. I met today’s featured blogger at a cookbook launch and was impressed with her photography and the concept behind her blog. I think you will be too! Hope you enjoy getting to know Omaha bloggers!

Thinking Smaller

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Name: Kathleen Hammack

Blog: Thinking Smaller

Where to find her: Instagram; FacebookPinterest; and Google+

Describe your blog in five words: Behind the scenes visual storytelling.

Photo courtesy Kathleen Hammack

Photo courtesy Kathleen Hammack

What are the two most popular posts on your blog? What makes them so good?

1. Finding Metta

2. Concrete, Wood & Steel

Honestly, I write about and photograph things that I’m genuinely curious about. I think people are interested in the stories behind small businesses. It’s inspiring for people to see that small businesses can happen anywhere -studios, co-working spaces, your kitchen, your basement. Sharing process photos is something I added a few months into the blog. Just meeting people at markets and shows was not enough for me. I wanted to know more about their creative processes, what inspires them and what’s next for their businesses.


In Kathleen’s blog, Thinking Smaller, she often shares process photos, providing insight to the creative process of local artists, craftsmen and others. Photo courtesy Kathleen Hammack

What social media channel are you on the most and why? Instagram. I love the visual aspect of it and I’ve connected with some great folks. I always enjoy seeing little snippets of what people are eating, creating and doing.

You get one hour to spend on writing, where you do go in Omaha? Actually, I do all my writing from home, usually in the evening. I can be pretty easily distracted so I like to sit down and focus.

If friends visit from out of town, what three places would you take them to? My mind immediately goes to food so I would have to say Dante for pizza, Avoli for pasta and eCreamery for ice cream. During the warmer months, hitting up the zoo and farmers markets are musts.

What’s your favorite free thing to do in Omaha? I like to spend a lot of time outside so I visit a lot of parks – Walnut Creek is a favorite spot. I also have to say that the Art Works space in the Joslyn Art Museum is great for kids.

More about Kathleen

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Kathleen Hammack, the writer behind the blog Thinking Smaller. Photo courtesy Kathleen Hammack

Kathleen was born and raised in Iowa and currently lives in Omaha, Neb., with her husband and three children. She received her BA in Sociology from Iowa State University and an MSW from Portland State University. Prior to starting a family, Kathleen worked in healthcare management as a medical social worker. She is constantly inspired by food, travel, natural light and people who are passionate about what they do.

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