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Summer Reading Programs

Summer reading programs are everywhere these days. It’s awesome, isn’t it? Encourage the behavior by giving awards. Win for everyone.

My kids aren’t old enough for me to start worrying about “summer brain drain” or the “summer slide” (everything is new and shiny to them – they learn every minute they’re awake). But, they are old enough to enjoy books, so we’ll take part in at least one program listed below (for sure the library’s program!). What will your children take part in?

This summer, your nearest library and several retail stores offer reading programs with incentives to get your children to keep reading all summer long.

This summer, your nearest library and several retail stores offer reading programs with incentives to get your children to keep reading all summer long.

Omaha Public Libraries 

There’s a summer reading program for kids, teens and adults. Kids can keep track of books by number or by hour. Prizes for youngsters include a free book and Storm Chasers vouchers. Get all excited about the program with the kick off parties on May 31 and June 1.

Barnes & Noble

It’s pretty easy. Read eight books, fill out the journal, bring it to a Barnes & Noble and pick out a book from their summer reading selection. Done. Check the site out for downloadable activities and teaching tips, too.

Scholastic Summer Challenge

Kids can log their minutes reading on the site and parents can find book lists for specific grade levels and handy apps. Kids can log in daily to be entered in for sweepstakes and some rewards include signed books.

Sylvan Reading Adventure for kids K-8

Kids in grades K-8 can search for books on the site, read them offline, come back to quiz on what they’ve read, and earn prizes for their reading success.The site also has  online tools for parents. Prizes include a Highlights subscription, ebooks and a customizable personal incentive a parent can create.

Chuck E Cheese reading program

Print out this sheet, fill it out and redeem it for 10 tokens. Food purchase is required, and you should probably call ahead to be sure your location is participating.

Pottery Barn Kids Summer Reading Challenge

If your child reads every book on the recommended list, they get a prize. A book from the list will be read at their storytime each week (runs through Aug. 26). Bonus: Attend five story times, and your child gets a prize (ask for the Book Club Passport).

Half-Price Books Feed Your Brain

Download the reading journal and keep track of your child’s reading minutes each day, and when you hit 300 minutes, bring in the completed log and receive Book Bucks. The top reader in each age group each month earns a $20 gift card.

iVillage’s Summer Reading Community Challenge

Sign up and receive daily emails with tips, games and printables, and a chance to enter daily prizes.

Inspiration for this post came from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas and My Frugal Adventures.

Want more ideas on raising a reader? Check out my Pinterest board dedicated to it.


Happy Memorial Day, everyone!



Some area school districts also open their libraries during the summer (hey, combine a trip to a school library with a trip to the school’s playground!). Check out some links here,

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Erin @ Omaha Public Library

Friday 12th of July 2013

Thank you for including Omaha Public Library (again!). If the kiddos are signed up, we hope they're enjoying this year's Summer Reading Program.


Friday 12th of July 2013

You're welcome! They're reading fiends! Our youngest regularly brings books with her to her crib for the night.

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